Sunday 15 December 2019

How the rich attract wealth

                    By Bayo Ogunmupe
    Most people don't believe they can become wealthy. This is not because they don't want it. It is because society has conditioned them to believe it isn't their destiny to become rich; that wealth is unattainable. From childhood, you have been told by family, friends and neighbours that you must play safe, climb the corporate ladder by never taking risks. And generally this is good advice to many. These mentors are well meaning; they want you to be successful, but they want you to be safe by taking the conventional road to success. That was  how those advisers  were taught. The problem is that they don't have the kind of life that you want to live.
    Most people who tell you these stories, are themselves very miserable. They are stock making N250,000 a year; kissing up to a boss that they hate but hope to stash away enough money that when it comes time to retire, they don't go broke. But you can make a different choice. You can choose to be rich. You can choose to never have to worry about money again and work from wherever makes you happy. When you are rich, you have the option to do what you want; where you want and when you want it.
    Obviously, people should choose this way and become rich. But why isn't everyone rich? Everybody isn't rich because of fear. People are afraid of success; they are afraid of failure. Another challenge is that they don't know how to be wealthy. They don't know how to attract and maintain wealth. As a result, they live a life of constantly climbing the ladder to nowhere, hoping to reach the pinnacle of attaining N500,000 a year by the age of sixty. but certainly you can fast-track your success by skipping the corporate ladder and attract riches into your life.
    Indeed, there are laws of wealth attraction as secrets of success that the rich don't want you to know. They kept them secret because they don't like competition. You can be great; just by reading this shows you are serious about taking your life to the next level. You will succeed if you follow these laws starting with the law of momentum. The law of attraction is an amazing tool for manifesting what you want from the universe. But you must make it work by taking action. You must tune your mind into the frequencies of the things you want to attract.
    Utilizing the law of attraction becomes more effective when you use it in conjunction with the law of momentum. The law of momentum says once you start, you build momentum by accomplishing greater and greater things through uninterrupted action. The more you put into achieving your goal, the more momentum it generates until you reach a point where you are completely unstoppable. You achieve this by simply focusing on attracting the lowest hanging fruit. Attract simple things that are easy to manifest. You build momentum on small wins. Wealth and happiness go to those who actively want them.
    Be assured that the universe does not discriminate against anyone becoming rich. It wants you to succeed. Jehovah is a just God. He does not favour one person over another. For success suspend your faith that said some tribe is more favoured by the Almighty. Change your mindset, start believing success wasn't only possible but certain for you. This is the way to manifest the second law of wealth attraction. It is the law of manifestation. It says whatever you put your mind to, if you focused on it long enough without doubts, you will manifest it. 
    This manifesting could be anything from your dream job, to a new car, to becoming a millionaire. In order to manifest what you want in life, you must know what you want and act on it. Sitting around and daydreaming isn't going to magically put a car in your garage. Instead, you tell the universe you need a new car by applying for new jobs which can fetch you a new car. If you are able to do this, the law of manifestation will kick in  and you will be able to manifest whatever you want.

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