Sunday 15 December 2019

What you must do to be rich.

                    By Bayo Ogunmupe
    Why you need to keep doing hard things to be happy, healthy and successful. It is necessary because the hard things ultimately build you up; make you hardy; and change your life. If today, you are already feeling at the end of the leech, with only a little slack left to hold on to, be sure your mind is lying to you. it has imprisoned you by reciting self defeating stories in your head--stories about your mistakes and things you ought to have done differently. And you have begun to believe that you are truly stuck. But you aren't stock in any way. You are alive in an immense world with infinite possibilities. And you must always remind yourself of the fact that you are well and alive in an immense world. Your victories and defeats often serve to shake your spirit and shed light on your way forward.
    First reason why you need to keep doing hard things to survive is that everyday you are growing stronger from your struggles. According to my experience, life is perpetual struggle for what you want. Sometimes, it will break you. Nobody is immune to that. And hiding alone in a cave somewhere won't help either; for prolonged solitude will also break you with an endless thirst for  connection with humanity. You must dare to love and feel for others for that is the reason you are here on earth. You are here on earth to sacrifice your time, your life, and put your heart at risk. You cannot go through life without being bruised by it. And when it happens that you are hurt, or betrayed or rejected, sit yourself quietly in a corner with your eyes closed and remember all the good times you have had, all the sweetness you have tasted and everything you have learned. Tell yourself how amazing it was to live and then open your eyes and live some more.
    To never struggle was never to have been blessed with life. It is in the depth of darkness that you discover within you an inextinguishable light and it is this light that illuminates your way forward. Thus, your second reason why you should follow up the struggle is that the hardest days shine a light on what is truly important and what isn't. Adversity is like walking into a turbulent windstorm. As you fight your way forward, you not only gain strength, but it tears away from you all but the essential parts of you that cannot be torn. Once you come out of the storm, you see yourself as you really are; still holding the passions and ideas that move you. What remains of you are the lusts that matter- the loves that defines you. It is this kind of love that drives you forward even in tough times. it is this kind of love that should never be overlooked.
    Three, a time of physical stress can be a healthy guidepost for you to make positive changes. When the going gets tough, the world reels as if it is spinning to fast and you feel completely out of control. It is like you are losing your mind and going crazy; but you are not. You only need to pause and take a deep breath. It is like the onset of depression: anxiety and fear, triggered by stress. Stress impedes the ability to think straight and see the world as it is. Being stressed out isn't a sign you are going crazy. It is simply an experience of stress. The fourth reason why you need hard things to be successful is that you have something special to offer the world. And adversity and hard life will awaken your unique contribution to the universe. There is a capable person inside you, that wants to soar, create, build, love, to inspire and do far more than just exist.
    There are always great possibilities in front of you, because you are always able to take a step forward. Stay true to yourself. Never be ashamed of doing whatever you feel is right. Hold on to your values and passions. Feeling overwhelmed and tired is the natural part of being human. The simple fact that you are aware of this means you are able to turn things around, one day at a time, starting from now and henceforth. Blessed be.

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