Friday 2 August 2019

Living the life that you desire

                    By Bayo Ogunmupe
    In order to live the life that you desire, you must first attract it. And attraction is a secret resource that turns your mind to a mental magnet; that draws friends, power, love, money into your life automatically overnight. But this doesn't mean you can just sit there and visualize what you want; turn yourself to a human magnet and watch it come into your life like magic. However, the law of attraction works because thoughts actually become things. Thoughts become beliefs and beliefs become convictions which influence your actions. Those actions become results.
    What kind of results do we mean? We are talking about results which are consistent with our beliefs. In other words, your thoughts are the seeds that you planted, fed, nurtured over a period of time which later manifested in your actions. As Jesus said, You will know them by their fruits, you can't get grapes from thorn bushes and you cannot get figs from thistles. Your consistent thoughts will always manifest in the life you desire. The reason this doesn't work for most people is that people forget about the thing called time; that is the key to making the law of attraction work for you.
    When you got up to make your breakfast this morning; you probably slapped something into the microwave, pushed a few buttons and within minutes you had a good meal. Sadly, that is not how the law of attraction works when it comes to manifesting results in life. The law of attraction is a natural law. It is subject to the principles of nature. Technology, willpower or blind belief cannot affect it. It is an unchangeable reality of the universe that created the law of attraction. It is the thoughts you plant that bring forth the results in the way that a seed you sow grows into a plant. It means you have to plant it, nourish, and fertilize it for a long time before you can see it flourish.
    For most of us, the hardest thing to do is to decide what we want and continue believing it even if we did not see immediate results. Even if your actions seem completely contradictory to what you are thinking; don't give up. As long as you keep planting the seeds and following through with patience and consistency, you will reap a harvest in time. The most common regret of dying people is: "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." Living the life you desire and being successful is about living according to your own compass. It is about doing what you really want, value and believe in. Indeed, success in life isn't how much time you spend doing what you love; it's how little time you spend doing what you hate. So, the first step of living your dreams is becoming radically honest with yourself.
    The second step of living your dreams is to design and live your ideal day consistently by stopping procrastination. That is fueled by your having your revenue exceeding your lifestyle needs. You can live anywhere in the world you choose. You are working on projects which excite you to do your best! You can go on vacation for many months without affecting your income. There are no people whining around your life. You have no time obligations or deadlines. You wear whatever you want all the time. This is the classical definition of success. But tat definition of success might not match your true ambition. So beware of the shiny objection syndrome.
    Your daily life is a reflection of how successful you are.There are people who make loads of money who completely hate their lives. To them success has become a trap. Which is why success can only be defined personally. Three, living a life you desire also means you not getting lost in the maze of success. This step means maintaining, honing and continually clarifying your path. As your life evolves, your goals and desires will also evolve. Then, a subtle trap can occur. Because your circumstances changed doesn't mean you should change your goals. With success comes opportunities, which might revolve into distractions. If you have no means of maintaining clarity on your priorities, you will get lost. In your mad rush for success you might lose what you once had. By that time you would have realized you are no longer honest with yourself.
    You would have started to follow other people's definition of success. That is a weird place to be. Inwardly you are in a trap. Instead of seeking growth toward your true dreams, you will be satisfied with the status you've gained. Your status will become a trap. But your growth must always be greater than your status. If your focus is on status; you would be ensnared by it and not grow out of your status. However, status doesn't really matter. You will need to give up a former status to create a new and better one. Most people are simply obsessed with status. They want to be bestselling author, or millionaire, be married. Once they get their coveted status, then their vision ends. Without vision and purpose, people perish.
    Begin telling people around you what you truly want. People who support you are the ones to keep. Those who want to keep you where you are are the ones to  abandon. Then, design your daily life such that you are spending all of your time on only the things you truly value and care about. As you become successful, don't let success misinform you. To be honest with yourself, you will need to say no faster to the opportunities that arise. Opportunities have a cost. Time is the greatest resource. When you begin being honest with yourself, success will happen. And success must happen. Success can only happen when you start living the life that you desire and not getting lost  in pursuit of status.

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