Friday 17 October 2014

Success Comes From Visualizing Your Vision

On The Path Of Winners

Success Comes From Visualizing Your Vision

YOU possess and you have available to you unlimited mental powers. You are an average person because you are unaware of the treasures in your mind. When you begin to unleash the power of your subconscious you will often achieve more in a year than most people achieve in a lifetime. Your ability to visualize is a most powerful faculty. Your success begins with improvements in your mental pictures. You are what you are and where you are today because of the mental pictures you carry around in your vision.
  As you change your mental pictures on the inside, your world on the outside will begin to change to correspond to your mental pictures. Visualization activates the law of attraction, which draws into your life the people, the circumstances and resources that you need to achieve your goals. Visualization also activates the law of correspondence, which says ‘‘As withing, so without.” As you visualize by procuring mental pictures on the inside, your world on the outside like mirror begins to change.
  Just as you become what you think so you become what you visualize most of the time as well. Albert Einstein, the most valuable genius of the 20th Century said, ‘‘Imagination is more important than facts.” Napoleon Bonaparte, Europe’s only emperor said, ‘‘Imagination rules the world.” Napoleon Hill, prolific writer and man of letters said, ‘‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
  The most common characteristic of leaders throughout history is vision. They often visualize and imagine an ideal future years in advance of its becoming reality. That was the way pharaohs of Egypt built the pyramids and Walt Disney clearly saw a happy luxuriant amusement park many years before Disneyland was built. Anything worthwhile in life begins with its mental picture. Naturally, you are always visualizing every blessed day as you go about making a living and making choices.
  It is essential that you learn to manage this your visualizing. You can do the managing and control by focusing it on achieving the goals that are very important to you. People become champions by visualizing the kind of success they want to enjoy in advance. They see the success they desire in advance.
  For unsuccessful people however, this works to their detriment. They always visualize their experiences of failure. As a result when they go into the new experience, their subconscious have been preprogrammed for failure rather than success. But your self image determines everything. Your self image is the mental pictures you feed your mind prior to any event. However, you have complete control over your mental pictures.
  You should choose to feed your mind with positive and exciting success images. Everything that you have achieved in life is the result of the use of visualization. Everything that you visualized positively came true for you. So, take control of your mental pictures. You have been using the power of visualization throughout your life, so focus it on achieving your goals. Make sure your images are focused continually on what you want and the person that you want to be.
  The first president of the United States, George Washington, considered by historians as the most indispensable man for the success of the American revolution. Washington was born in a small house and raised with little advantages. But because he was ambitious, he had to mold himself and shape his character in order to attain greatness. Not having children, he can only perpetuate his name by being famous. His guide was a book with 130 rules of manners and deportment. He learned his rules by reading and repetition. He eventually committed these rules to memory.
  At the time Washington became a powerful figure in the American Revolution, he was described by the British as the most courtly and gentlemanly man in the America colonies. So like Washington, develop your own character by developing within yourself a series of key virtues such as sincerity, humility, temperance, discipline and honesty. Over time these mental pictures of yourself will soon become deeply impressed on your subconscious whereby the mannerisms and yourself will become one.
  You are what you can be. Piero Ferucci, in his book, What We May Be, said we can develop any quality we desire by imagining that we had it already. Read about such a quality, learn about it and visualize it. See and think about yourself as you can be. Gradually, you will become that new person. The four parts of visualization are one, frequency, meaning the number of times that you visualize your particular goal as achieved. Two, the duration of the mental image, the length of time that you can hold the picture in your mind each time you replay it. Three, vividness is the third element of visualization. There is a direct correlation between how clearly you see your goal or the result in your mind and how quickly it comes into your reality. Finally, intensity is the last element of visualization. This is the amount of emotion that you attach to the visual image of your goal. If your emotion is intense enough and your image is clear enough, your goal will immediately come true.
  Our champion this week is Alistair Cooke, the British born American journalist and commentator, best known for his insightful interpretation of American history and culture. Born in Manchester, U.K., in November 1908. The son of a Wesleyan Methodist preacher, Cooke read theatre arts at Jesus College, Cambridge and graduated first class in 1930. Later he won a Commonwealth scholarship to study theatre in the United States, first at Yale University (1932-33), then at Harvard University (1933-34).
  Alistair Cooke’s nationwide U.S. travels had a profound influence on his professional life. Following a stint as a Hollywood script writer, he returned to England to become a film critic of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), he later served as the London correspondent of the U.S. National Broadcasting Company (NBC).
  In 1937, he returned to the U.S. to settle in New York City. He became an American citizen in 1941, and started a commentary on American affairs on BBC radio, Letter from America, broadcast from 1946 till he died in 2004. Alisfair Cooke’s America surveyed 500 years of American history in an eclectic and highly coherent narrative. The book was a bestseller. His other works include the critical biography of Douglas Fairbanks, based on his coverage of a celebrated Congressional Investigation. He wrote scores of books and films. He was one of the greatest journalists of the 20th cent

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