Thursday 2 May 2013


Ogunmupe: The Wisdom Of Thinking Big

SUCCESS in life isn’t measured in pounds, university degrees or background. It is measured by the power of your thinking. The mindset of big thinkers is exemplified by the German statesman, Dr. Konrad Adenauer who said, “We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon.” The same perspective brought the real estate legend, Donald Trump to say, “”You have to think anyway, so why not think big?” Thinking big brings wholeness to your thinking. Spend time with incurable optimists who think big, you will find that they learn continually. Big thinkers are never satisfied with what they already have or know. They are always on the go, visiting new places and acquiring new ideas.
An excellent way to broaden your experience is to listen to an expert in an area where you are blank. Those who think big are lifelong learners. You can only grow and excel through learning new skills and making new friends. For you to enlarge your understanding and thinking, learn to become a good listener. Most of us habitually see our world first. With that we wish to have our way thinking ours is the only way. But who we are determines what we see. The value of life isn’t in the length of days, but in the use we make of it. Indeed, you can spend your life any way you want, but you can spend it only once. Which is why big thinkers accomplish more than narrow-minded people. Consider these reasons why you should think big.
One, thinking big allows you to lead, because it stretches your vision, enabling you to see ahead of others. Since the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality, thinking big enables you to sketch the picture of where your country is going. The goal of a leader is to enable the people to accomplish their dreams. The good leader visions accurately, enabling the people to connect the future with the past to make their journey more meaningful. The visionary leader also allows the people to seize their moment of greatness when the timing is right. In leadership, when to move is as important as what you do. As Winston Churchill once said, “There comes a special moment in everyone’s life, a moment for which person was born. When he seizes it, it is his finest hour.” In whatever position you are, thinking big enhances your success.
Two, thinking big keeps you on target. To get things done, you need focus. Only by putting your daily routine in the context of your ambition will you be able to stay on target. Three, thinking big allows you to gauge others accurately. An important skill of public relations is the ability to see things from the other person’s perspective. It is a key factor to maintaining a happy marriage and rearing good children. The way to do that is to look beyond yourself, your own interests and your own world.
Four, thinking big promotes teamwork. If you work in a team activity, you will know the importance of members seeing the whole picture, not just your own part. The better the grasp the teammates have of the big picture, the greater their  potential for success. Five, thinking big keeps you away from being caught up with the mundane. Focusing on essentials enables you to know that he who forgets the ultimate is a slave to the immediate. The man with the big picture mindset accomplishes much because he shuns the frivolous.
Six, thinking big enables you to plan for the uncertain future. “We will cross the bridge when we get there,” is the hobgoblin of the mediocre. That  phrase was coined by one who had trouble seeing the big picture. The world was built by those who crossed bridge in their minds long before others did. The best way to chart the future is to look beyond the immediate by thinking big. You need big picture thinking in order to seize new opportunities and open new horizons.
For unfailing success, be comfortable with ambiguity. Don’t strive for certainty. Jehovah that provides for the birds of the air and fishes of the sea will provide for you. Management expert Patrick Lencioni harped on this idea in his book, The Five Temptations Of A CEO. He warned luminaries from pursuing harmony. Instead he advised they embrace healthy, productive conflict. Nor should they aim for certainty. But that they should seek clarity.
Thus, acquiring the wisdom of thinking big means you must learn from every experience, embrace complex and diverse ideas and get in the habit of cohabiting with diverse concepts and accepting opposite points of view. Teachability is a mindset that says, “No matter how much I know, I can learn from this situation.” Such an attitude will help you turn adversity into advantage. It will make you a winner no matter the circumstances. The greater the varieties of your experience the greater your success.
Our champions this week are Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson. Along with Leonid Hurwicz, they shared the 2007 Nobel Prize for Economics for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory. Maskin was born in New York in December 1950 to a non-religious Jewish family but spent his youth in Alpine, New Jersey. Of course, all of them are Americans.  Maskin earned his AB and PhD in Applied Mathematics in Harvard University. In 1976 after his doctorate, Maskin became a research fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge University, U.K. Thereafter he joined the faculty of M.I.T. In 1985 he returned to Harvard as Louis Berkman Professor of Economics, where he remained till 2000. That year, he moved to the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton where he has remained till today. In addition to his position at Princeton, Maskin is the director of the School of Economics at the Institute for Advance Studies in Hebrew University Jerusalem. His current research includes examining the causes of inequality. Masking is married to Gayle Sawtelle, an historian and has two children.
For Roger Bruce Myerson, he was born in March 1951. A recipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Economics, Myerson, a Jew, attended Harvard, obtaining his PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1976. From 1976 to 2001, he was Professor of Economics at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, where he conducted much of his Nobel-winning research. He became Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago in 2001. Currently, he is Glenn Lloyd Professor of Economics at Chicago. His path-breaking contribution to mechanism design concerned the fundamental connection between financial allocation and monetary transfers needed by agents to reveal information truthfully. Mechanism design allows for people to distinguish between working markets and those not thriving. Mechanism design has helped identify efficient projects and schemes. In 1980, Myerson married Regina Weber and they had Daniel and Rebecca.

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