By Bayo Ogunmupe
If you want your tomorrow to be better, here are intuitive ways to ensure your future will truly shine. Should you be waiting to be happy; perhaps you think you will finally be happy when you find love. Or you fix the love affair you are in. You might think happiness will be yours when you have the job of your dreams, or a better house or when you pay off your debt. You surely think happiness will come when you lose weight or when your child finally gets his act together. If any part of you is holding to any future hope that you will finally be happy when you have some news, then you would never get there. Because while making plans and setting goals is worthwhile, hinging your happiness on them is futile.
The sure fire way to suffer begins when you finally get what you think you need to be happy. The relationship, the house the job, the financial security- whatever it is gains you transitory happiness. You feel good just for a short bit of time. But shortly after feelings of discontent start looming and you decide you really need something else in your life in order to be happy. This could be that you finally find the right partner. But after a few months of bliss, you start seeing things in her that drive you crazy. Or you were on your long awaited vacation, but the dread of going back to your regular life puts a dent on all the fun.
Indeed, you could inherit a bundle of money and live in euphoria for a while, but soon enough you will be sitting in your new sports car feeling very lonely. You are forever chasing dreams because you haven't addressed the underlying dynamic at play. You have never really loved yourself. Indeed, as long as you are longing for something out there, to douse your pain, dissatisfaction or stress, then you are not loving yourself. Indeed, loving yourself is at the core of your being happy. When you look up for a certain outcome to make you feel better about yourself; you are essentially rejecting yourself. You often bend over backwards to please others, work to excess to stress yourself, all because you think you are not okay exactly as you are.
Whenever you hinge your happiness on outside circumstances you are telling your subconscious that he isn't worth your love. That is the fundamental mistake keeping you unhappy. Consequently, you may get married, become a millionaire, but still feel unloved. That means if even you got everything you wanted in life, you won't be able to truly enjoy it. You would have hit the jackpot outside but inside you will feel the emptiness of lack of self love. If even you keep on chasing happiness, for lack of self love, you will feel as if you will never reach the end of the marathon. That is happening to you because you are chasing a shadow, something that does not exist in reality. Happiness can only be found within not outside of you.
Being truly happy requires embracing yourself in entirety, loving yourself and accepting your uniqueness. Thus, the most powerful change you can make is to love and trust yourself. Learn to love yourself right here, right now. Loving yourself is the only thing you really have power over. Outside things come and go, how you feel about yourself is what you carry with you throughout your entire life. Moreover, loving yourself allows you to accomplish the things you want out there such as wealth, fame and renown. Loving yourself is a super power that propels you towards creating the right relationship, a successful career and tremendous wealth. Also, loving yourself enables you eat health giving foods, and you will feel better taking care of your safety.
Loving yourself is infectious for as you lead by example, it inspires others, which is better than pleading and lecturing. In one fell swoop, through loving yourself, you improve every aspect of your life.
Loving yourself is infectious for as you lead by example, it inspires others, which is better than pleading and lecturing. In one fell swoop, through loving yourself, you improve every aspect of your life.
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