Sunday 15 April 2018

The incredible benefits from reading everyday


                            By Bayo Ogunmupe
    Do you know that six month old children who have books read to them by their parent several times a week show stronger literacy skills four years later, score higher on tests and land better jobs later on in life compared to non-readers? Isn't that amazing? There is nothing like the smell of a book. Nothing digital ever comes near it. Which is why reading whether in paper form or on a screen, has immense benefits. Here are some incredible benefits of reading. 
    Reading promotes mental health. Research has found out that people who keep their brains active by reading or playing mentally challenging games like chess are three times less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those who spend their time on less stimulating activities. Studies have shown that staying mentally alert can slow the progress of or prevent dementia. Snuggling up with a good book can transport you to other magic worlds away from immediate worries and thereby reducing stress. A 2009 study by the University of Sussex, UK found that reading for just six minutes can reduce stress levels by 68 percent.
    Dr John Lewis, a Cognitive Neuropsychologist said: "Losing yourself in a book is the ultimate  relaxation. This is particularly amazing in these turbulent times of economic depression, when we are all craving for a certain amount of escapism." Also, reading improves general knowledge and smartness. If you want to be a well-rounded leader capable of holding a conversation on a variety of topics, you need to be a reader. And in this you are to pick up some titbits  of information that can come in handy someday.
    There have never been a well- read person who is not also an interesting person. But I have come across some very boring people who clearly never opened a book. Besides, the more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to handle many of life's challenges. Which  reading about life and times of people who lived in different circumstances from you, makes it easier for you to understand them and relate to them. A book on public relations can be a real eye-opener if you are a straight person. Indeed, a book on the life of an African living abroad will be equally revealing.
    Books are there to open the world up for you. Even then, some spiritualists aver that the more books you read and the more knowledge you acquire will determine your upward advancement in life, not the certificates you acquire. To me this notion is confirmed by the level of poverty and mediocrity extant in Nigeria in spite of so many properly certificated people in Nigeria. That goes to show that much of the knowledge we acquire is obsolete and without any relevance to present circumstances in the country.
    Moreover, reading  expands your vocabulary. The more you read, the more your vocabulary improves. And the more your vocabulary improves, the better you can express your own thoughts and thereby enhancing your leadership qualities. Language is such a wonderful tool with which you can influence others. People who can use language skillfully with a wide range of vocabulary have always captured the imagination  and admiration of others.
    It is a fact that the ability to impress others articulately paves the way to promotions to leadership roles as public figures. Researchers from the University of Santiago, Spain, found that a rich vocabulary delays mental decline. So, the broader your vocabulary, the better your chance of mental health well into  old age. Moreover, a great vocabulary goes hand-in-hand with improved writing skills. People who read a lot absorb different writing styles they subconsciously gained from their reading. The good quality writing you read, the better your writing ability.
      Reading endows you with stronger analytical thinking skills. It is thrilling to read a mystery and try to  solve the mystery yourself. If even you don't solve it, you would have practiced your critical, creative and analytical thinking in the most pleasurable way. Thus you improving your memory since reading keeps the brain's memorizing ability at primal optimum. This strengthens your focus because reading  is an antidote to today's many distractions. It forces you to concentrate. 
    Apart from entertainment, reading boosts your sleep. Avid readers can attest to this. There is nothing like falling asleep with a book in your hands. Reading is relaxing and sleep inducing, especially when you are tired and stressed out. It also improves the quality of your sleep. Reading can lead you to a restful and therapeutic sleep.


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