Sunday 11 February 2018

Bridging the gap between failure and success

                          By Bayo Ogunmupe
    Some people are born with a purpose. From the day they can articulate their dreams and wishes, they tell the world 'I'm going to become a doctor,' or 'when I am president.' These people usually succeed in their aims because they have a plan for their lives and execute it triumphantly. But for most people, it isn't that straightforward. Fact is life is empty and pointless without purpose. Purpose gives meaning to life. This meaning comes from serving something beyond yourself. But how do you discover your purpose if you were not born with it?
    But there is a way. Answers to some thought provoking questions will unlock your purpose which has been hidden from you until now. One, what were you passionate about as a child? The games you played as a child are often the gateway to your potential to excel at, when you grow up. Think about your trucks and cars. Did you race around with them or did you build a town, complete with streets, houses, shops and garages? Can you still relate to that now? If you can, how can you incorporate that to your adult life now?
    Hidden in our childhood passions, are gifts, the things we are naturally good at. Think back and find what treasure you can find there. Two, if you didn't have a job, how would you choose to fill your hours? here is something to ponder. If you didn't have to work but you weren't allowed to stay at home to do nothing, what would you choose to fill your time with? Where would you go and what would  you do? Would you go exploring the town, spend the day visiting the museum, reading or taking a class?
    Three, what makes you forget about the world around you? Is there anything you love to do that makes you lose the track of time? If you have ever been completely adsorbed in an activity, you will understand the nature of 'flow' where you lose your sense of time and are completely engrossed with what you are doing. Some of us have experienced this in the process of creating something new. For others, in organizing an event or taking care of other people's needs. When you are completely caught up with 'flow' you forget about time, food and drink or where you are.
    Four, what issues do you hold close to your heart? What topics do you read about, which news do you follow, which types of websites attract you? Is there anything you get worked up about, that you want to see rectified? Five, who do you spend time with and what do you talk about the most? Most of us hang out with people who share our interests and outlook on life. There is something in that group to hold you spellbound. Explore it, there lies your purpose. You cannot just chew breeze with friends at the bar. Those people you spend time with give you the indication of your real purpose in life.
    Mind people who ask you for advice. How did you come by the special knowledge they are seeking your advice on? Most important on your bucket list is what you want to accomplish before you die. This is an exercise that is illuminating. Creating a bucket list crystalizes your thinking on what you desire most in life. There lies your passion. Six, if you had a dream, could you make it happen? You should give serious thoughts to this. If even you have had a dream, and never attempted to actualize it for whatever reason; it's still a  valuable window into what you regard as achievable, otherwise it would never have entered your mind.
    You must think of many historical figures who made seemingly impossible dreams become reality and take heart from there. But actually, there is nothing stopping you from attaining success in life. There is help everywhere. You don't have to know everything yourself. You don't have to do everything by yourself personally. You can get help to make your dream come true.  Think it through. There are helpers who just want to be part of a team for successful achievement. That your dream and life's purpose is probably one and the same thing.
      Never let your fears limit  your dreams. Always remember that you have within yourself the passion  to reach for the stars and change the world. There is nothing higher than living your dream. It is your greatest personal gift to the world. Education doesn't always make you smarter and age doesn't make you wiser either. But risk taking and lifelong learning will always make you smart, healthy and wise.


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